10 things to do when you're sick!

Hey guys! It's been a while since my last post. I have to apologize, because I was on the best winter holiday! I went to a mountain with my family and we had the most amazing time ever! I learned how to ski and I had the time of my life. If you want a post with pictures about my winter holiday, let me know.

Today's post is 10 things to do when you're sick. yes, I am sick right now and I taught about how great post idea this would be. Whether you've got the flu or some other nasty bug, I know you'd much rather be out-and-about than stuck at home. And even though your homework pile is growing, I've got some different ideas for how to distract yourself from those sick feelings. Get well soon!

Set up camp

First thing's first. Figure out where your sick-space will be. Claim territory on the living room couch or stay in your bed. Make sure you have everything you need to minimize the number of times you have to get up. Fortify your camp with tissues, a small trashcan, reading material, a beverage to keep you hydrated, a phone, a laptop if you have one, and any TV remote controls you might use. Change into pajamas or some clean, comfy clothes.

Cinema for the sick

This is the perfect opportunity to watch a movie you've never seen before, but that you've always wanted to see. Brush up on old classics like The Music Man musical or Breakfast at Tiffany's. Hit up Netflix insta-queue to see what you can find or ask Mom to drop by your local library to pick up a DVD.

Page turners

Read a book for fun, aka enjoy "pleasure reading." Indulge in fast-paced stories that will remove you from your sick space and place you in a world of adventure. Suspect you have more than a 24-hour bug? Get hooked on a trilogy or a book with sequels.

Sip sip sip the sick away

It's important to stay hydrated, so keep the liquids flowin'. Change things up with Gatorade or light colored sodas instead of water (water's good too, though!). Plastic cups with lids or water bottles can help to reduce spillage in your cozy camp.

Marathon time

Well, TV marathon that is. Choose a show and watch a whole season. Or, catch up with lots of episodes of different shows from the last few weeks. Fingers crossed there's something good on TV!

Music moments

If your eyes need a break but you're unable to sleep, pop in your earbuds and listen to some música. Let old faves or new tunes distract you enough to achieve some moments of peace. Try listening to an album all the way through. Ask your fam for new music suggestions.

Love letters

Write a letter to a grandparent or a friend who lives far away. They'll love getting snail mail, even if it begins with "I'm imprisoned in my room by the evil spirit Influenza..."

Squeaky clean

Take a relaxing bath or shower and brush your teeth. Even though you aren't feeling healthy, at least you can feel clean and fresh. Try braiding your wet hair in a new way. Maybe today is the day you'll master the pigtail French braid.

Read the best mag ever

What's the best mag ever, you ask? GL, of course! Grab your latest copy and flip through to find your fave pics and articles.

Snooze the day away

If your bod wants to nap, then let it get as many zzz's as it wants. When you're sleeping, your bod is working hard to fight off the bad bugs. Wishing you sweet, healthy dreams!

Hope you liked this post. Kisses,


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