15 days of Xmas: My favourite Christmas movies
Hey guys! It's day 2 of 15 days of Xmas! Today I am talking about my favourite Christmas movies! I have a plenty of favourite movies, and a lot of them are just the perfect for the season! Here are some of them!

1. Elf
Will Ferrell’s overgrown-child persona hilariously complements this comedy about a guileless giant elf searching for his dad in NYC, but the film’s focus isn’t just on the funny bone. There’s an abundance of heart and soul in the way the story cherishes holiday cheer; in a genre that’s become generically saccharine, this is one modern Christmas movie that’s genuinely sweet.
2. Bridget Jones’s Diary
Bridget thinks she might have met the man of her life – but spots him sporting a hideous Christmas jumper. This seasonal wardrobe error plays a pivotal part in the sharp romantic comedy-drama, which also features fellow festive favourite Hugh Grant.
3. Bad Santa
He drinks like a fish, swears like a sailor and the less said about his sexual proclivities the better. Billy Bob Thornton’s department-store St Nick is the furthest thing from a saint. The fact that Terry Zwigoff’s misanthropic comedy somehow turns this pathetic sad sack into a sympathetic hero – and the movie into a foul-mouthed ode to goodwill to all men – is nothing short of a Christmas miracle.
4. Home Alone
This is the film that made adorable moppet. It’s heavy on the slapstick, but against all odds, a sentimental Christmas streak does shine through, even though Kevin doesn’t seem all that upset that his Paris-bound family has accidentally left him behind for the holidays.
5. Batman Returns
Tim Burton’s second stab at the Caped Crusader is actually a slight improvement on his original 1989 blockbuster, mainly due to uncommonly fierce performance of Catwoman. If you forget, Gotham is dusted with a layer of snow: It’s an especially downbeat Christmas.
That's it for today! See you tomorrow with with another post!
That's it for today! See you tomorrow with with another post!
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