Blogmas day 5- My holiday bucket list!

Hey guys! It's Blogmas day 5! Today I am making a Holiday Bucket List, so I toughed this would be a great post idea. Let me know in the comments below if you like my Blogmas. :)

                                                           My list:

                                1. Finish Blogmas!
                        2. Buy awesome Christmas presents
                       3. Have a great New Year celebration
                   5. Celebrate Christmas with your best friends
                         6. Make a Bucket list for 2017!
                        7. Buy yourself some new make-up
                    8. Decorate your room for the holidays!
                                 9. Try skiing
         10. Kiss the boy you like, and you know he likes you too :)

Hope this post inspires you to make your own Holiday Bucket list! Love you and I will see you tomorrow with Blogmas day 6!


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